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The International Symposium on the Role of Eye Movements in Vision

To celebrate the centennial of Alfred Yarbus (1914-1986), the world renowned scientist in the field of eye movement research, we are glad to announce

the International Symposium on the Role of Eye Movements in Vision – Yarbus-100.

The symposium will be held on September 1-5, 2014, at the Volga country resort on the Volga river near Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, during the annual Young Scientists" School and Conference of the IITP RAS (Kharkevich Institute) Information Technologies and Systems-2014 (ITaS’14).

Contributions to the symposium are invited in the form of lectures, talks, posters, and remote participation, and should cover progress in fundamental and applied research on eye movements according to the following non-exhaustive list of main topics: perception of stabilized retinal images: Yarbus’ ideas and contemporary concepts; fixation and saccadic eye movements; eye movements in vision: general role, visual attention, perception of colour; visual illusions related to eye movements; eye movements in diagnostics of visual impairments; eye movements in multidisciplinary research: psychology, pedagogy, marketing, forensic science, etc.

The symposium will also include several satellite events: Exhibition dedicated to the life and work of A. Yarbus. Master Classes in the form of blitz investigations with participation of the top eye tracker manufacturers. Evening Entertainment Sessions with demonstrations of paradoxical visual effects and illusions. Sightseeing Tour over Nizhny Novgorod (one of the largest cities in Russia founded in 1221, birthplace of Nikolai Lobachevsky, Vladimir Steklov, Maxim Gorky, place of exile of Andrei Sakharov).

We are looking forward to welcoming you and/or your colleagues at the symposium Yarbus-100 and the conference ITaS’14.

The cost of full participation, including a round bus trip from Moscow, registration fee, accommodation with full board, and banquet, is about 25 000 roubles (less than $ 800).

Please indicate your potential participation as soon as possible by filling the following form.

For any questions and suggestions please contact Andrey Bolshakov at: yarbus100@iitp.ru.

17.01.2014 |


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